Our clients find WordPress to be a user friendly content management system. We can build you a customized WordPress site or you can make your own using our Cornell Branded Theme 2021. The theme is accessible, responsive and brand compliant. It also allows customization around color, position, layout and content options.
Built in Content Options
To be live on the internet, your website will need hosting. We offer CU Blogs hosted by CampusPress who specializes in higher education. CU Blogs is currently home to nearly 4,000 blogs and 35,000 users and contributors.
CU Blogs is free for all current faculty and staff who do not have a custom domain name. A paid service is also available for those who would like to use their own domain.
The blog service has several of accessible themes including the Cornell Branded Theme. No custom themes are allowed on Campus Press. See our custom development rates for your site support needs.
- Simple: Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics, Cornell Cooperative Extension Branded Themes
- Moderately Complex: Cornell Institute of Host-Microbe Interactions and Disease, Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture, Public History Initiative, Early Asian Alumni
Sites that require more complex functionality than CampusPress can provide are hosted on the Pantheon platform. These have traffic based tiered pricing. We currently have around 80 websites on this platform.
Tata-Cornell Institute, Cornell University Graduate School, Atkinson Center for Sustainability